Alternate Reality

We are always in a state of alternate reality, whether we know it or not. We are sipping coffee  and fantasizing about someone. We are driving, but obsessing about an argument earlier at home. We are watching TV or flipping through channels, nervously awaiting some phone call or a text message. The point is that we are in a state of alternate reality all the time. We are stuck in a maze of various chatters that is constantly evolving in our minds.
If you begin to do your mundane tasks consciously and more importantly start being grateful, you will suddenly become present and the chatter in the head fades away. Each time you enter your house, do so as if you are entering it for the first time. Each time, you sip coffee or Chai (don’t want to offend chai lovers 😅) feel the taste, enjoy the aroma, and be grateful that you actually can afford it. Bottom line, by gratefully and consciously doing the mundane work, you keep your mind within the confines of body, and you will start to feel happy, as well as become free of the alternate reality

Be grateful, be happy, God bless
Love ❤️ you all very much

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11 months ago

I love the subject of alternative reality, mind and consciousness, I love Carl Jung’s psychology a lot to understand the human psyche and this post exactly approaches to quantify it. Great work.

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