Act upon what you want to be

As children, we try and live up to our parent’s expectations. As we go to school, we learn to live up to the expectations of our teachers. As teenagers, we are trying to discover ourselves through the eyes of others. We focus on how our body blossoms, spending hours in front of the mirror. We are then suddenly pressurized by parents on what we should become in life in terms of education. We start playing hide and seek with ourselves, and our various personas those are developing because of this tug of war between what we think we want to be and what the others are deciding what we should be. Eventually, we get sucked into professional and family life and soon lose track of what we really wanted to do. So, it is good to do course correction whenever we reach that point of introspection and try to figure out what we are, and what we want to be. We then have to act upon what we really want to become working through the constraints that we will still have to live with.

So, accept yourself.

Think about what you are, and what you want to be.

Act upon it.

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11 months ago

One should strive only to become oneself, borrowing and copying others or implementing ideas of others unto oneself blurs his or her own true identity. We can only explore our potential by becoming truly and very uniquely ourselves. This is an inspiring post.

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